
A command is an object that defines a process. This is just like in your operating system, where you define a command, then spawn it to produce a process.

type Command = {
// The command line arguments to pass to the executable.
args: Array<tg.Template>;
// A checksum to verify the command's output. If provided, the runtime will allow the build to directly access the network.
checksum: tg.Checksum | undefined;
// The environment variables to set for the executable.
env: Array<tg.Template>;
// The executable to run.
executable: tg.Artifact | undefined;
// A triple that identifies the command's runtime.
host: string;

A command is created with the tg.command function.

export default tg.command(() => {
return "Hello, world!";

Passing a closure to tg.command() creates a command whose runtime is js. This is currently only supported in export statements.

In order to create commands with a different runtime, you will rarely use tg.command() because the environment will be empty. Instead, you can use the $ tagged template function from std to create a command with a shell and some common utilities, and then build it and await its output.

import { $ } from "std";
let output = await $`${sdk}/bin/gcc -o $OUTPUT ${main}`;


A triple is a string that identifies a machine. It specifies the machine's architecture, and optionally includes its vendor, operating system, and additional details about the environment.


A runtime is an internal component of Tangram that runs a process. There are currently runtimes for processes whose hosts are the following triples:

  • aarch64-darwin
  • aarch64-linux
  • js
  • x86_64-darwin
  • x86_64-linux

The Linux runtimes use features of the Linux kernel features including namespaces, chroot, cgroups, and seccomp-bpf to isolate runs.